Which PDF/X should I use?
Somebody asked me recently what the difference is between PDF/X-1a (first published in 2001) and PDF/X-4 (published in 2010). I thought this might also be interesting to a wider audience.
Both are ISO standards that deliberately restrict some aspects of what you can put into a PDF file in order to make them more reliable for delivery of jobs for professional print. But the two standards address different needs/desires:
PDF/X-1a content must all have been transformed into CMYK (optionally plus spots) already, so it puts all of the responsibility for correct separation and transparency handling onto the creation side. When it hits Harlequin, all the RIP can do is to lock in the correct overprint settings and (optionally) pre-flight the intended print output condition, as encapsulated in the output intent.
On the other hand, PDF/X-4 supports quite a few things that PDF/X-1a does not, including:
- Device-independent color spaces
- Live PDF transparency
- Optional content (layers)
That moves a lot more of the responsibility downstream into the RIP, because it can carry unseparated colors and transparency.
Back when the earlier PDF/X standards were designed transparency handling was a bit inconsistent between RIPs, and color management was an inaccessible black art to many print service providers, which is why PDF/X-1a was popular with many printers. That’s not been the case for a decade now, so PDF/X-4 will work just fine.
In other words, the choice is more down to where the participants in the exchange want the responsibility to sit than to anything technical any more.
In addition, PDF/X-4 is much more easily transitioned between different presses, and even between completely different print technologies, such as moving a job from offset or flexo to a digital press. And it can also be used much more easily for digital delivery alongside using it for print. For many people that’s enough to push the balance firmly in favour of PDF/X-4.
For further reading about PDF documents and standards:
- Full Speed Ahead: How to make variable data PDF files that won’t slow your digital press
- PDF Processing Steps – the next evolution in handling technical marks
- Compliance, compatibility, and why some tools are more forgiving of bad pdfs
About the author

Martin Bailey is Global Graphics’ Chief Technology Officer. He’s currently the primary UK expert to the ISO committees maintaining and developing PDF and PDF/VT and is the author of Full Speed Ahead: how to make variable data PDF files that won’t slow your digital press, a new guide offering advice to anyone with a stake in variable data printing including graphic designers, print buyers, composition developers and users.